Sunday, August 12, 2007

An excellent adventure

E.B. Chester scoots along US26 on the approach to Idaho Falls and Grand Teton Harley-Davidson & Buell, the conclusion of our 2,700-mile adventure that started 10 days earlier at Chester's Harley-Davidson in Mesa, Arizona. Photos by Carole and Roy Timm. Click on any image for a larger view.

Silver Dollar Sam, a bear from the famed Wort Hotel in Jackson, rides home with Craig Chester, a gift for his two-year-old daughter.

It's hard to tell who little Ava was happiest to see, Daddy, Grandad or Silver Dollar Sam.

Day 10, the 86 miles from Jackson, Wyoming, to Idaho Falls, Idaho, was the shortest leg of our excellent adventure.

Another great day, another great ride

The 350 miles to the Grand Tetons from Devil's Tower took us across Wyoming in all its variety, from grasslands and desert to canyons and mountains. It was an exceptional ride, following so many other exceptional rides on this trip. Photos by Carole and Roy Timm. Click on any image for a larger view.

E.B. and Craig enjoy the sweeping curves and superb scenery of Tensleep Canyon at the beginning of our seven hours in saddle.

Tensleep Canyon demands to be ridden and it demands to be photographed. Here, E.B. and his Electra Glide Ultra pause for the camera.

Halfway across Wyoming, we rode through rugged Wind River Canyon. Although the photo shows us approaching a slow switchback, much of the canyon presents broad sweeping curves that can be ridden as quickly as one wishes. Riding the throttle of the Harley V-twin on such roads is a addictive.